No one has had as much impact on the world as Jesus Christ. There have been many “great” leaders, but no one as great, world-impacting, life-changing as our LORD & Savior and role model – Jesus Christ.
Jesus shows us how to live. He is God living on earth in a human body. He was tempted in every way that we have, without sinning. He knows how to handle every situation we will ever have to deal with in our lives. Jesus is our role model.
Understanding Him is essential to becoming like Him. We will better understand what he taught by studying Jesus’ life and teachings. In this process, we will become more like Him. By studying his life, we will learn: “What Would Jesus Do?”
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Enroll through Precision Vision College online study and earn 60 credits upon completing the entire Walking With Jesus Bible Study Series.”
Certificate of Apostleship available to students after 90% completion of WALKING WITH JESUS Online College Bible Study Course with lifetime access.
It's all about Jesus - letting Him change your life! Here are some additional products, tools to help you in your Walk With Jesus. Dismiss