No One Expected…

Spoke on restoring the UNITED States. The crux of that message was the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. Since then, I gave some thought to the Apostles and what happened after that. It brought me to an interesting revelation that applies to what we are seeking to do here at Northside. Mark 16:1-7 – I would like to follow up on what happened after the Great Commission that no one expected.
It’s Never Too Late for a New Beginning
That antique table caught his eye at one of those farmhouse auctions. For many years, probably decades, it had just sat out in the barn. Chickens had roosted on it. Old greasy tools had sat on it. In fact, through the years all sorts of trash had been thrown on it. It was filthy and flimsy, and when the auctioneer called its number, no one even made a bid on it.
Power of Jesus’ Name

It disturbs me to hear people use Jesus’ name as an expression of emotion or anger or even hatred towards someone or something.
Praying “in Jesus’ Name” is now prohibited in many government circles. They are trying to silence any mention of Jesus (because they think that by prohibiting our freedom of speech and religion, they can make Him go away and not feel convicted of their sin). Just like the Jews in the early days of the Church, non-believers think that suppressing the name of Jesus will cause Christianity to go away – Acts 5:40–42.