It’s Never Too Late for a New Beginning

That antique table caught his eye at one of those farmhouse auctions. For many years, probably decades, it had just sat out in the barn. Chickens had roosted on it. Old greasy tools had sat on it. In fact, through the years all sorts of trash had been thrown on it. It was filthy and flimsy, and when the auctioneer called its number, no one even made a bid on it.

Holy Spirit’s Power


You have a job to do – to move this big rock. Would you rather use a shovel or a back hoe? You are going to build a house to withstand a hurricane. Would you rather use Popsicle sticks or logs?

You want God’s power in your life, but are you forgetting what that power is and how to use it or are you tapping it daily in all you do? Are you receiving His power through a fire hose or a stirring straw?



O what we will do to change our image – makeup, clothing styles, behaviors, activities, medical help, etc. We will even change the rules of the game so we can justify our behavior and pretend we do not have to abide by what the real rules are. We say it is unfair when someone else imposes their rules on us.

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