REVIVAL – The Next “Great Awakening”
Calling America to Turn Back to Jesus By Dr. Glen M. Copple, Minister of the Word Let’s get something started to bring a “Revival” to the United States. Most Christians will agree that we need another “Great Awakening” to call Christians back to being followers of Jesus Christ and restoring the Christian heritage that established […]
How Do I Walk With Jesus?
How Do I Walk With Jesus? Christians around the world want to have a closer walk with Jesus. Their question will often be, “How do I walk with Jesus? Walking With Jesus is first of all a state of mind. It is drawing so close to Jesus that you are constantly aware of His presence […]
Love Fruit

Governor Rick Scott is asking how to stop the mass shooting. The Only REAL solution is to get God and the teachings of the Bible (including the Ten Commandments) back into our schools. Teach people to LOVE one another!
The REAL Problem
Ten dead and ten wounded – What’s wrong with this picture? Three shot at a graduation, one killed. What is happening in our schools that wasn’t happening 20, 40 even 50 years ago?
Looking at what is different will help point to the only Real solution.
It’s Never Too Late for a New Beginning
That antique table caught his eye at one of those farmhouse auctions. For many years, probably decades, it had just sat out in the barn. Chickens had roosted on it. Old greasy tools had sat on it. In fact, through the years all sorts of trash had been thrown on it. It was filthy and flimsy, and when the auctioneer called its number, no one even made a bid on it.
The PROBLEM in the Las Vegas Shooting

The “Bump stock” was not the problem.
The number of guns and amount of ammo was not the problem.
Negative reaction to some medication was not the problem.
A psychosis suddenly flaring up was not the problem.
(This crime was planned for months in advance. That eliminates drugs or some sudden brain failure.)
Getting Christ Back into America

It is amazing to see the liberals blame President Donald J. Trump for things that they started as though it is his fault.
It was Obama and Black Lives Matter that raised up the racism.
It was liberal “white supremists” that played the race card against the blacks.
It was progressive Antifa that has been engaging in violent demonstrations against anyone they don’t like.
Make America Great Again!

Donald J. Trump ran on that slogan to win the Presidency of the United States of America. Many citizens realize that our nation has strayed from its original roots and has decayed into lawlessness, corruption, immorality and more.
5 Steps to a Happy Marriage

What makes a happy marriage? It’s an age-old question that all couples grapple with, especially when bliss evaporates. Shaunti Feldhahn researched for years and noticed numerous patterns among happy couples. She reported the following simple steps to a happy marriage:

Years ago, I heard a sermon by a man in his 50’ about being adopted by his aunt for inheritance purposes. His aunt wanted to leave her estate to him and adoption provided a better avenue to do that.