REVIVAL – The Next “Great Awakening”
Calling America to Turn Back to Jesus By Dr. Glen M. Copple, Minister of the Word Let’s get something started to bring a “Revival” to the United States. Most Christians will agree that we need another “Great Awakening” to call Christians back to being followers of Jesus Christ and restoring the Christian heritage that established […]
Love Fruit

Governor Rick Scott is asking how to stop the mass shooting. The Only REAL solution is to get God and the teachings of the Bible (including the Ten Commandments) back into our schools. Teach people to LOVE one another!
Restoring the UNITED States

Many are disturbed at the divisiveness and disunity currently being propagated in America. This became a problem in the last ten years as various groups were instigated to agitate, make claims that were often times false or misrepresented, only for the purpose of stirring up division and causing riots, violence and destroying the “united” on which our states were formed. In reality, the real problem is as old as our nation.
The Easy Life

Does life sometimes become a heavy burden full of weighty issues that you wish you didn’t have to deal with? Sickness, handicap, declining health? Money for bills and things you really need? Family squabbles, wayward relationships with others? We all have them. All of us want relief. We want freedom from the “Hard Life” that we are going through.
Church or State?

When Eve sinned (in Adam’s presence and he didn’t stop her but joined in), they were at odds with their Supreme Leader – God.
Most of mankind has been struggling against God ever since.
Getting Christ Back into America

It is amazing to see the liberals blame President Donald J. Trump for things that they started as though it is his fault.
It was Obama and Black Lives Matter that raised up the racism.
It was liberal “white supremists” that played the race card against the blacks.
It was progressive Antifa that has been engaging in violent demonstrations against anyone they don’t like.
Remember, Repent, Return

I want to drive you to action to change America back to the founding principles. We are recruiting soldiers for Christ to do battle in the Army of God.
God & Politics

Some people have tried to misstate that the church should stay out of politics. That is a very mistaken notion that is not supported in Scripture. Here are some observations on the history of God’s people and their involvement either in government or speaking to or about the rights and wrongs of their governing leaders.