No One Expected…

Spoke on restoring the UNITED States. The crux of that message was the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. Since then, I gave some thought to the Apostles and what happened after that. It brought me to an interesting revelation that applies to what we are seeking to do here at Northside. Mark 16:1-7 – I would like to follow up on what happened after the Great Commission that no one expected.
Restoring the UNITED States

Many are disturbed at the divisiveness and disunity currently being propagated in America. This became a problem in the last ten years as various groups were instigated to agitate, make claims that were often times false or misrepresented, only for the purpose of stirring up division and causing riots, violence and destroying the “united” on which our states were formed. In reality, the real problem is as old as our nation.
Church or State?

When Eve sinned (in Adam’s presence and he didn’t stop her but joined in), they were at odds with their Supreme Leader – God.
Most of mankind has been struggling against God ever since.
When Evil Assaults the Church

We saw violence in our society more and more as on a SONday two weeks ago, worshippers were slaughtered in a small-town South Texas church. Yet again, yet so soon, we struggle to make sense of bloodshed and violence. In the past few years, there have been shootings in Aurora, Colorado, Newtown Connecticut, Las Vegas, Nevada and more. Some of these events have specifically targeted Christians.

O what we will do to change our image – makeup, clothing styles, behaviors, activities, medical help, etc. We will even change the rules of the game so we can justify our behavior and pretend we do not have to abide by what the real rules are. We say it is unfair when someone else imposes their rules on us.