It’s Never Too Late for a New Beginning
That antique table caught his eye at one of those farmhouse auctions. For many years, probably decades, it had just sat out in the barn. Chickens had roosted on it. Old greasy tools had sat on it. In fact, through the years all sorts of trash had been thrown on it. It was filthy and flimsy, and when the auctioneer called its number, no one even made a bid on it.
How to Stand Righteous Before God!
Ever desire for a word of confirmation or encouragement when facing an uncertain event? Am I doing the right thing, the right way? Am I pleasing God in what I am doing with my life? How can I get God to listen to my prayers?
When Evil Assaults the Church
We saw violence in our society more and more as on a SONday two weeks ago, worshippers were slaughtered in a small-town South Texas church. Yet again, yet so soon, we struggle to make sense of bloodshed and violence. In the past few years, there have been shootings in Aurora, Colorado, Newtown Connecticut, Las Vegas, Nevada and more. Some of these events have specifically targeted Christians.
Holy Spirit’s Power
You have a job to do – to move this big rock. Would you rather use a shovel or a back hoe? You are going to build a house to withstand a hurricane. Would you rather use Popsicle sticks or logs?
You want God’s power in your life, but are you forgetting what that power is and how to use it or are you tapping it daily in all you do? Are you receiving His power through a fire hose or a stirring straw?
Power of Jesus’ Name
It disturbs me to hear people use Jesus’ name as an expression of emotion or anger or even hatred towards someone or something.
Praying “in Jesus’ Name” is now prohibited in many government circles. They are trying to silence any mention of Jesus (because they think that by prohibiting our freedom of speech and religion, they can make Him go away and not feel convicted of their sin). Just like the Jews in the early days of the Church, non-believers think that suppressing the name of Jesus will cause Christianity to go away – Acts 5:40–42.
Getting Christ Back into America
It is amazing to see the liberals blame President Donald J. Trump for things that they started as though it is his fault.
It was Obama and Black Lives Matter that raised up the racism.
It was liberal “white supremists” that played the race card against the blacks.
It was progressive Antifa that has been engaging in violent demonstrations against anyone they don’t like.
Remember, Repent, Return
I want to drive you to action to change America back to the founding principles. We are recruiting soldiers for Christ to do battle in the Army of God.
O what we will do to change our image – makeup, clothing styles, behaviors, activities, medical help, etc. We will even change the rules of the game so we can justify our behavior and pretend we do not have to abide by what the real rules are. We say it is unfair when someone else imposes their rules on us.
Stay Strong
Doing something for the first time can be very hard. Speaking in public. Preaching my first sermon. First day on a new job. Substitute teacher. (“What am I doing here?”) Soldier going into battle – very scary. Continuing to work on a goal, dream or project and not succeeding can also be very hard.
God & Politics
Some people have tried to misstate that the church should stay out of politics. That is a very mistaken notion that is not supported in Scripture. Here are some observations on the history of God’s people and their involvement either in government or speaking to or about the rights and wrongs of their governing leaders.