The Logos version “Getting To Know Jesus Harmony of the Gospels” is sold separately. Add this Harmony of the Gospels to your Logos Bible Library.
Off we go on an adventure to study the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Volume 01 starts with a complete outline of the entire “Walking With Jesus” Bible study lesson series. We will follow Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted, see Him winning His first disciples, performing His first miracle at a wedding in Cana, and launching His teaching and miraculous ministry.
Lesson 001 introduces us to the period between the Old and New Testaments. Lesson 002 introduces us to the authors, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and their audiences. Lesson 003 looks at how each author presented their Gospel. From there, we go to the annunciations of Zechariah, Mary, and Joseph, into the birth of Jesus, His childhood, and the introduction to His ministry where He is baptized by John the Baptist. He cleanses the Temple (the first time) and talks with Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman at the well. He is rejected at Nazareth, settles in Capernaum, and calls four fishermen to follow Him. These are events of His first year of ministry and the very first part of His second year.
26 Lessons, 354 pages.
Jesus is now into His second year of ministry, teaching and performing miracles around Galilee. He heals a man with leprosy, a paralytic, calls Matthew to follow Him, and heals a sick man on the Sabbath. Jesus concludes the Sermon on the Mount and teaches the parable of the Sower. It ends with the story of the Gadarene demoniac. A widow’s son is restored to life, Jesus explains the parable of the sower, and a storm is calmed. It concludes with the first two chapters of the Sermon on the Mount, as Jesus has designated twelve of His disciples to be Apostles. Jesus also cures the Gadarene demoniac.
27 Lessons, 335 pages.
In this volume, Jesus returns to Capernaum, raises Jarius’ daughter from the dead, and makes His last visit to Nazareth. He concludes His ministry in Galilee at the beginning of His third year of ministry, sends out the twelve to evangelize, laments the death of John the Baptist, and celebrates as the Apostles return from evangelizing and reporting. He feeds the 5000, walks on water, and preaches the sermon on the Bread of Life. Jesus travels to Tyre and Sidon, through Decapolis, feeds the 4,000, and is transfigured. He teaches about the greater and little in the Kingdom. Then He travels to Jerusalem for the last Feast of Tabernacles before He is crucified. During this time, the Jewish rulers plot to kill Jesus, and an adulterous woman is brought to Him to try to trap Him.
26 Lessons, 339 pages.
Jesus makes several appeals to accept Him as the Savior from sin. He heals a man who was born blind. During this time, He sends seventy of His disciples out to evangelize. He tells about the Good Samaritan, visits Martha and Mary, dines with a Pharisee, and warns His disciples to watch out for the teachings of the Pharisees. The third year of Jesus’ ministry is concluding. This volume talks about the return of the seventy, growing conflicts with the Jewish leaders, and the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. Jesus also raises Lazarus from the dead and cleanses ten lepers on the way to Jerusalem for the last time.
27 Lessons, 323 pages.
Jesus tells about the widow and the judge, heals great multitudes, and teaches God’s values about marriage and divorce. He also blesses the little children, instructs a rich young ruler, heals lodges with Zacchaeus, and finishes His final journey to Jerusalem. It concludes with Palm Sunday and the events of Monday before He is crucified. Jesus goes through Tuesday and Wednesday of the last week before His crucifixion. There is much teaching in parables, warning the people not to get caught up in the teachings of the Pharisees. He also goes into parables regarding events concerning Jerusalem’s destruction, His second coming, and the end of the world.
26 Lessons, 340 pages.
Jesus finishes the parables on Wednesday, prepares for and institutes the Last Supper in the upper room on Thursday night, prays in the Garden of Gethsemane, is arrested, tried before the Sanhedrin, and denied by Peter. The trials continue before Pilate, Herod, and then back to Pilate. Jesus is mocked, scourged, and led away to be crucified. He dies on the cross for our sins, is buried, rises from the dead, and appears to His followers on several occasions. He reinstates Peter, commissions the twelve Apostles, and ascends into Heaven.
27 Lessons, 373 pages.
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