Author Dr. Glen Copple

Doctor Glen Copple is an ordained minister with over 45 years of preaching and teaching experience ministering to non-denominational churches. In 1983, he earned a Master of Arts in Ministry from Pacific Christian College (now Hope International University) in Fullerton, CA, and he has had ministries in Kansas, Missouri, California, and Florida.

After three and a half years at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri, Glen Copple moved to California to lead churches in Wasco, and Carson, before moving to Torrance, near Los Angeles. While in California, he earned his Master’s degree in ministries at Hope International University in Fullerton, California.

Doctor Glen M. Copple, Litt.D., has known Jesus all his life. He was “born and raised” going to Sunday School and church. His parents taught him about Jesus from his earliest childhood.

“I believe that Jesus is the best role model we could ever seek to find. Everything Jesus did and experienced parallels something that you and I face in our lives.”

-Dr. Glen Copple

From his experience attending church, Bible College, and years of preaching ministry, Copple recognized his gift for teaching and his passion for knowledge of Jesus Christ. As an ordained minister, teacher, and writer, he has written Walking With Jesus, a complete and non-denominational Bible study of every event in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

On July 11, 2018, Glen M. Copple was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Letters from Jamaica Bible Seminary for his work on the Walking With Jesus Bible Study Series

"For me to live is Christ, to die is gain"

-- Paul (Philippians 1:21)

Doctor Glen and Sylvia Copple are sharing their love for Christ.

In previous ministries, Dr. Copple taught through the Life of Christ and developed the structure for “Getting to Know Jesus,” the original title for WALKING WITH JESUS.

He knew that God led him to put his years of ministry and Bible study to work to share with you, your family, and friends in this non-denominational study of Jesus Christ, his life, and teachings. Through travels and research, his wife, Sylvia has supported and shared in the Walking with Jesus studies.

Currently, Dr. Copple is working full-time in New Hope Gospel Ministries and making text and bible lessons available to those who want to get to know Jesus better. The result: the “Getting to Know Jesus” / “Walking With Jesus” Bible study series, walking people through the life of Our Lord with each step He took during His time with us on earth as God’s messenger.

Glen Copple Music

These are songs that Glen Copple has written and performed over the years. Each song is tied to a Scripture and reflects who Jesus is in our lives today. May God bless you as you give a listen to Glen Copple Music on your favorite digital music platform.

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